I Need Feedback!

Anyway I had this unoriginal idea that every week I would form a 100 word extremely short story from 6 different books. So it could be a phrase or a couple of sentences from this book. I would link them all together to form a short story. Good idea…bad idea? Also, things I could do […]

Making the Ordinary Extraordinary in Literature

Long time no blog! I am working on being a better blogger, new month new me! I preach about consistency, engagement etc. and do none of the above so I am definitely working on that. For my Goodreads reading challenge, I pledged to read 30 books this year, which might seem so little for some […]

Favorites —– March/April/ Half of May

Loooong post ahead. So grab a cup of coffee/tea/smoothie/milkshake whatever you prefer and enjoy the ride! Decided to try something new I will be posting ‘favs of the month’ which could be anything from music to food. This is very late but I am doing it anyway, had most of these in my drafts since […]